How We Started Our Homestead

We had been renters for a long time. Not because we didn’t want to own a home, we just thought we couldn’t afford one. Fast forward through about 17 years of marriage, 3 kids, and everything this crazy life had to throw at us we found this 1970’s fixer upper with 5 acres and knew that it was home.

Fixer Upper Repairs

The house was live-able and ready to move in when we bought it but we knew the amount of work it would take to be what we wanted it to be. We are still working on it as the budget permits. Houses have a funny way of showing you who is boss. Not long after we moved in we…

  • Replaced the Pipes $$$
  • Replaced the Well Pump $$$
  • Replaced the AC $$$$
  • Replaced the Water Heater $$
  • Bought a New Fridge $$$

I could keep going…really, I could but you get the idea. At this point the house just needs some new windows and the pool refinished and it will be practically new.


When it came to animals I am a believer in starting small. That is where the chickens came in. Sustainability at the finest. They give us eggs, fertilizer, and eat all the bugs they want. This week we added Poppy (Belted Galloway), and in the future we look to add a couple more cows, some honey bees, and possibly some other little friends.


When we bought the land around the house was clear, the rest of the property was wooded, scrub, viney, and frankly a bit of a hodge-podge mess. While clearing the land behind the house we found old farm equipment, a ton of old coke bottles, old animal pens, and more. It has been a ton of work that I couldn’t have handled near as fast without my husband’s help.

I love to garden, and I love plant so much! We have added some citrus trees, fig tress, berry bushes, and have plans to just fill this property with beautiful edible and useful plants.

We are going to leave some of the wooded areas because they are just magical. There is also a pond across the street that is ours. It is terrible overgrown and we are going to start clearing and making it more accessible over the winter. That is not a summer job.


We are flying by the seat of our pants over here making plans as we go. I did start a small garden this year, but the chickens helped themselves. I am going to make some changes to its placement for next spring and start earlier. Also, we are going bigger. I hope to be able to can some veggies and make some pickles when it is all said and done. Sometimes nature has other plans, but we will see how it goes.


Honestly, this is a dream. I want to show my kids what you can accomplish with your own two hands and hard work. It is amazing to see what you can grow, support, and create with a little dirt and sunshine. In this world of social media and go-go-go it is so nice to slow down, smell the flowers, and pet a cow.

My dream is big. I have a lot of plans for this little place. At this point it is budget, and how much time is in a day that is holding me back. Slowly but surely we will get there and make all of the additions and changes we can imagine to make this place just what we want. The journey is the most exciting part.

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