Sparrow (Ru/Jenny) AKKPS 47430

AKKPS 47432
Dam (Ophelia) Sire (Davey Jones)
DOB 6/9/24
0 Wattles
Teats: 6/6
Tri (B)

Ophelia gave me 5 boars and I have been impressed with the growth and shape of all of them.

Sparrow and his brother Hawkeye are the only two without wattles. He has had remarkable growth from the beginning and stunning markings. I do not feel a lack of wattles disqualify him from being a breeding boar. He is a beautiful pig.

We are trying something new where we are offering him at a discounted rate as a registered breeder. If he is not spoken for by 8 weeks of age he will be barrowed. If you would like him as a barrow just ask.

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